"As an individual, my health and fitness has always been a priority. As a woman now in my late 50’s, this means I have accumulated decades of pulled muscles, torn ligaments and compounded minor injuries, all in the name of exercising with the best intentions of course.
By the time I’d reached my late 40’s I thought this also meant I’d have to dial down the activity level and be resigned to a more sedentary life style in order to accommodate all my tender areas, (a small tear in my right meniscus, a compromised right shoulder cuff, aggravated elbows and a sensitive left hip). But with the help of Corrine’s Pilates expertise, I am here to tell you I have found new strength and freedom I thought lost forever.
I started taking Pilates classes with Corrine years ago thinking I’d get a good stretching class in to supplement the biking I so loved, along with any other cardio classes I was prone to try in the name of curiosity (and usually what sidelined me). But I soon learned that Pilates was so very much more than a stretching class, and that Corrine was one of the most knowledgeable instructors I was going to find in this area, or all of New Jersey for that matter. The depth of her education on musculature and anatomy is downright profound, giving her vast platforms to draw class choreography from. Just as importantly, through her dedication to continuing education she has equipped herself with master credentials to customize individual recovery routines for those of us with specific ailments. I have personally sought her out on a private level and when working on my rotator cuff therapy, it was only a few short weeks before I had regained old movement and strength I hadn’t been capable of in years. I have seen her repeat these success stories time and again, for folks like me, for professional athletes and more.
Within the class environment, if you are plagued with sensitivity in a particular area, Corrine will not only immediately give you an alternate position or stance that alleviates the discomfort for the duration of that class, she will seek you out to offer how she might help you recover from it altogether. She is so tuned in to the connectivity that is our bodies’ framework that she quickly recognizes the improper postures and stances we subconsciously hold ourselves in to accommodate our individual sensitivities, sometimes areas we don’t even know we could address and fix with her guidance."
- Lainey Johns