"Corrine Fuentes epitomizes all that is good in the Pilates field. When Corrine could help me find relief from a sprained neck, after three doctors could not, I knew she really had something special.
When I went to her the day after a scheduled, yet never performed, epidural procedure she had me rolling balls around on the floor with my feet. I wasn't quite sure how this exercise was going to help my neck but I was desperate, so I cooperated. Corrine explained that we were trying to release fascia.
Going to Corrine twice a week for rehabilitation as she introduced new exercises with a layered approach had me feeling better almost immediately. Within weeks I had full mobility and no pain.
I have so much faith in Corrine, and her knowledge and passion for helping people feel good and move freely is the gift she gives her clients at every single session you spend with her."
- Pattie DiFazio